Moving forward in Faith

From my New Facebook Author’s Page

 It’s been five years. Call it what you will (I’m still struggling with that a bit myself). The piece that’s perfectly clear is that the telling of our story, well…it pursued me.

My son Charlie was getting ready to start preschool. The dust of all that transpired around his birth had started to settle. He was a bit smaller than the others. He lagged behind, but did so with light in his eyes and a sweet infectious smile. We were learning to pilot forward. All the while I continuously took pause-reflecting on the amazing things that happened since the day an ultrasound image sent our world spinning. Something had been placed on my heart. A whisper of sorts, that I seemingly couldn’t ignore…and so I began to write. I spent three and a half years writing our story and was left holding a creative, hot mess. Two years of editing followed (the clean-up wasn’t quite as fun). With a pit in the bottom of my tummy-yet moving forward in Faith.

Embracing Charlie is now available in both Paperback and Kindle editions on


Nook users can find Embracing Charlie on Barnes& or on where other digital device editions are also available.

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