Monthly Archives: June 2015

Held in Tight

When my husband and I were first married he drove a small transportation bus. He really liked his job. He came home with all sorts of stories-most of which involved how tenacious people are. He brought people to work each … Continue reading

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Posted in christian devotion, christian living, loss | 4 Comments

Lapel Roses

Sometimes my senses are crazy technicolor dream-like sharp. I can also sleep walk through the most important moments, but sometimes I’m all in. It was a fresh morning late this spring-the rush to get my kids out the door had … Continue reading

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Posted in christian living, Yoga | 10 Comments

Humility, Headstones, and Headless Corpses

(Originally posted for Easter’s Blog in May of 2015) Parenthood is crazy hard sometimes. In part because children hold your heart hostage in the most beautiful and frightening ways. Being asked the really difficult questions by people who call you Mommy, that’s … Continue reading

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Posted in adversity, christian devotion, christian living, embracing charlie, Embracing Charlie Excerpts | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Little Armenians

Who knows what a new day brings. Last Sunday morning I woke up to find images of Pope Francis strung through my Facebook newsfeed. Comments he made during Sunday Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica marking the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide left … Continue reading

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Posted in Armenian Genocide, Christian, Genocide, Pope Francis | Leave a comment

Textiles for His Grace

(Originally posted for Easter’s Blog in March of 2015) In the Gospel of Matthew, the 21st chapter recounts Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem on the first Palm Sunday-“Jesus Triumphant Entry”. It sounds like it was a pretty amazing party. A parade of waving palm … Continue reading

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